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Science Principles

Mathematics Principles



We are committed to ensuring that all pupils are fluent and can reason and solve problems in the key concepts of mathematics in order that they make genuine progress and avoid gaps in their understanding that provide barriers to learning as they move through education. Our Mathematics curriculum reflects a greater emphasis on mastery of the key skills of mathematics to ensure children have adequate time to develop their fluency, reasoning, and deeper understanding before moving onto a new concept.

The school aims to:

  • Develop secure mathematical concepts and skills
  • Embed the basics to ensure that children are fluent mathematicians with a solid understanding of the key concepts
  • Develop an ability to reason and problem solve
  • Enable children to use and apply mathematical knowledge, skills and vocabulary in different contexts including everyday life
  • Develop children who have a love of mathematics


Planning and Teaching

The White Rose Scheme Programme is used as a starting point for maths planning across the school.  Maths planning builds on previous learning and allows time for children to develop ‘mastery’ in the key areas of Mathematics without moving onto a new concept too quickly.

In EYFS, children will receive adult led maths teaching and they will have access to independent child-initiated maths activities daily as part of continuous provision. These activities are planned based on the main areas as outlined in the EYFS curriculum.

The National Curriculum has several strands and these are taught in units. All year groups begin their learning with a unit on place value as this underpins all maths learning.

New vocabulary is taught explicitly and opportunities are given for children to use this language in context.

Opportunities are planned to ensure that children can practise arithmetic so that they are fluent in these basics and then are able to use this knowledge in reasoning and problem solving activities.

From Year 1 upwards, there is a daily mathematics lesson which typically comprises of the below components. The timing and organisation of each component within a maths lesson may vary.

  • Retrieval practice when children revisit and practice skills previously taught
  • Modelling of new learning
  • Explicit teaching of new vocabulary
  • Children practise new learning alongside their teacher
  • Paired Talk
  • Independent activity with teacher checking for understanding and challenging or supporting children further
  • Plenary

All children have access to Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars and opportunities are planned for children to practice these key number facts within the school day. Practise is also encouraged at home and certificates are awarded in our weekly achievement assembly for children regularly practising or achieving highly.

Assessment for learning takes place throughout the lesson and feedback is given to ensure that misconceptions are addressed rapidly. White Rose assessments are used to assess what has been taught and the data used to inform planning, challenge and intervention.


Children understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts and know that maths is a vital life skill that they will rely on in many areas of their daily life. There is a positive view of maths due to learning in an environment where maths is promoted as being an exciting and enjoyable subject in which they can investigate and ask questions. Maths books evidence work of a high standard of which children clearly take pride; the components of the teaching sequences demonstrate good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our school standards are high.