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Key Stage 3


The first steps in any career journey should be identifying our own skills, qualities, values and strengths.  Ask family and friends how they would describe you and think about what you are good at, what you enjoy and what is important to you.


Personality profiling is a fun and interactive way of doing this, have a go at some of the following and see which industries and jobs are suggested.


National Careers website

My world of work

Buzz Quiz

Barclays Life Skills


Sacu student


It is important to remember that your skills and qualities are not fixed – you will develop and change these through your time at school and beyond so when you find out about jobs that interest you, take a moment to identify the skills needed and make sure that have them and know how to develop them.

At the end of Key Stage 3 you will choose which subjects you want to take at GCSE level and get to drop some that you don’t enjoy so much.  Some subjects are compulsory (English, Maths and Science) and your other subjects should be based on what you enjoy / what you are good. There are very few careers that will ask for specific GCSE subjects apart from English, Maths and Science so you are unlikely to be limiting any future options with your choices. If you are ever in any doubt, you should always ask teachers or the school carers adviser, Mrs Jenny lal,

Guidance on how to select the right GCSEs for you

South East Midlands Labour Market Information

South East Midlands Career Opportunities

To explore skills, jobs and industries, please click here: Success at school