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Curriculum Model

The curriculum model for 2022/23 can be found below.

Students must select 4 options from the five blocks, with a maximum of one red subject (one year course only).  Additionally we offer re-sit English and Maths where applicable. This is compulsory for any student below a grade 4 in either of these subjects but is also offered to students who may wish to improve their grade independently. Students receive 5 hours of taught lessons per subject per week in Year 12 and 5 hours per subject per week in Year 13.

We have a blended approach to AS entry and this is subject dependent. Entry to AS exams depends on individual subjects curriculum mapping and suitability.  All students have the option to drop down to three subjects as they enter Year 13.

Further details of all of our subjects on offer can be found in our subjects and course guides.

Please click on an attachment below to view.