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There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. At The Duston School we have a critical role to play in preparing our students for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Our students will be embarking upon a career pathway which is more challenging and complex than that faced by previous generations. Global opportunities and increasing technological advances will result in young people having several careers during their working life and potentially working in a career which does not currently exist.

With the greater choices of education, training and employment, our aim is to prepare students for these ever changing opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and to equip them with the skills to manage the choices, changes and transitions ahead of them.

Our careers education curriculum is delivered to all year groups through our Tutor Time programme. To support our delivery of careers, we have strong partnerships with a wide range of educational institutions, training providers and employers who contribute to our careers programme. Please see our CEIAG events section for details of our latest careers events and activities.

We host a steady stream of employers, FE and HE Institutions and external partners to ensure that our students have access to the latest jobs and up to date industry information. We also hold our own annual Careers Fair inviting local Post 16 providers, large and small businesses and the local university network.

The Academy provides in-school guidance and independent advice from our dedicated careers advisor to ensure our students receive the impartial advice that they need.  Our personal careers advisor is Mrs Jenny Lal. She is a professionally trained careers guidance practitioner.

As part of our careers programme, Year 11 and Sixth Form students are provided with a one to one guidance interview with our qualified careers advisor. Students in Years 7-10 can request a careers guidance interview through their tutor or Head of Year.

We have a whole school approach to careers education with every member of staff helping to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG, allowing students to access the necessary information to help them make informed decisions about their futures. Our programme of focus days throughout the year supports our careers education curriculum and in line with the most recent careers guidance strategy (December 2017), our careers plan supports the achievement of the eight Gatsby benchmarks.







Medical Mavericks

University of Northampton


Careers and Enterprise


Extensive articles to help you support your child through school and beyond:

Vacancy Snaphot

Live Broadcasts

Amazing Apprenticeships Resource Parent Pack


When advising our young people,  it is important that we understand the local employment market and where the future jobs and skills are most needed Local LMI,

You can sign up for a special eBook "Parents & Carers: Helping your child begin their career journey"[848c3a4cc1]

Find out more about T Levels, the new alternative to A Levels and BTECs,

The Parents’ Guide newsletter January 2021 with lots of additional articles about GCSEs and A Levels in 2021,


To sign up please register on event bright using the link below:



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