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Safeguarding at The Duston School

At the Duston School we take the role of Safeguarding our pupils and staff extremely seriously; striving at all times to provide the strongest possible support for all our pupils.

The welfare and safety of all our children is paramount.  Very occasionally, we have concerns that are raised that we may feel, by talking directly with you, may put the child more at risk.  In some instances, these cases are then referred to Social Services.  This procedure enables us to protect children at risk and we make no apologies for ensuring that the pupils in our care remain safe.

Our formal Safeguarding & Child Protection policy is below and we remind parents/guardians to speak to us if at all worried.

If you have any concerns about a child outside of school hours you can call the Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) for advice (anonymously if preferred) on 0300 126 7000 or click on the following links:

All members of staff receive Safeguarding training with key team members overseeing any concerns as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Our aim is to be as transparent as possible, to share safeguarding concerns with relevant personnel to ensure we are providing a ‘safe’ environment for pupils and staff alike.

Throughout the academic year, our Student Care & Safeguarding team deliver varying focus to pupils through assemblies, guest speakers and tutor group activities to develop their own understanding of keeping safe and supporting each other during difficult times, to include topics such as CSE, online grooming, e-safety, knife crime, gang culture, anti-bullying, anxiety, exams, respect, prevent and more.

We also have a small team of in-house Counsellors who, through referral, are available to work with pupils and listen and to provide them with the coping mechanisms they may need to help them through difficult and challenging periods in their life.

The School Nursing team work closely with our Safeguarding and First-Aid teams to ensure pupils continue to receive support around staying healthy, immunisations, emotional health, weight management, sexual health, drugs & alcohol, smoking/vaping and more.  The School Nurse team also provide a ‘Chat Health’ text service for pupils that prefer not to talk face-to-face; details of which are displayed around the school.

Should you, as a parent/guardian or pupil, have any safeguarding concerns that you wish to share with the School, contact can be made via the main school telephone number 01604 460004 to our safeguarding leads below:

DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)        Mr P Dewes             

Dir. of CP, Safeguarding & Complex Cases Ms S Walker             

Safeguarding Coordinator                            Mrs L Foskett           

DDSL – Primary Phase                                    Mrs S Pragnell         
DDSL – Year 7                                                     Mrs J Giles                
DDSL – Year 8                                                     Mrs G Perry              
DDSL – Year 9                                                     Ms R King                  
DDSL – Year 10                                                  Mr S Wade                
DDSL – Year 11                                                  Mr S Beal                   
DDSL – Sixth Form                                            Mrs N Montagu                                                 

From time to time we will release useful and relevant safeguarding notices to parents/guardians – Copies of these notices will be posted within the link below for your ongoing reference.