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Anyone worried about a child can make a referral to the team at the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

The MASH team brings together staff and information from the following agencies within Northamptonshire

  • Children’s Social Care
  • Police
  • Health
  • Education
  • Early Help Team
  • Domestic Abuse Advisor
  • Crime Reduction Initiative
  • Youth Offending Service/Team
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Fire and Rescue Service

The MASH team are able to identify risks to, and needs of, children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective, joined-up, actions.

The aim of the MASH is to make the right decisions for the right families at the right time.

Children/young people may come to the attention of the MASH because:

  • A parent/guardian may have requested support directly
  • A professional may feel that a family need help or support
  • A child or their family come into contact with the police
  • A child tells someone about abuse, either physical, sexual or emotional

When a child is referred, the case is assigned to a professional group within the MASH who will gather any information about the child/family as quickly as possible – including from their educational setting.

Useful links: